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Beware of Marketing

I wonder if one day you have to add to your marketing message a label laying something like "Reading this Marketing Message increases the likelihood that you think the content is true, even if it isn't".

The block buster film 2012 was another hit by Roland Emmerich, who was also in charge for Independence Day. As discussed in our recent blog post many people at least considered the question seriously, if the world ends in 2012. Would you believe that the film grossed $759 million worldwide? You bet.

When you are in business, wealth creation, property inventing or shares/options you would love this dollar number, wouldn't you?

Part of the success was that they created the hype about the film using a viral marketing campaign . You sending emails, twittering, blogging or discussing a film at a party is viral marketing. Yes, they had sort of a Film Blog called That's the end. If that is not internet marketing of the best, I don't know.

But what does this mean to you?

Well, if you are in the stock market, you know what hype can be produced, which may lure you to make a wrong decision. If you are in property, you understand that an area can be talked up easily with the help of the media. And when you are in business you would like to create a strong marketing campaign or internet marketing campaign yourself to make more sales and to be the talk of the town.

The film received mixed reviews but topped the international box office in its first weekend with $225 million.It ultimately grossed $767 million worldwide. That was worth the marketing and internet marketing effort, wasn't it?

To Your Success
Elisabeth Peischl
Business Coach and Results Coach