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Will the world end in 2012?
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What stops us being successful
Knowledge versus immersion
Our deepest fear
Will the World End in 2012?

We have now 2010 or better 20-10. Is it true that we have only 2 years left?

It is true what is predicted in the film 2012 that with the end of the Mayan calender we must deal with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers?

If you watched the film or if you got involved in a heated discussion at a party 2012 could become more likely in your mind. I seriously get this question asked by my coaching clients - Business Coaching clients as well as Results Coaching clients.

It started in late 2009 when the film came out. And it is still talk of the town.

What do you believe?

Regardless what it is you will find evidence for your opinion. A friend of mine who asked me the same question went on an internet search mission to find confirmation that it is true. And of course he found it.

He would also have found confirmation that it is false.

We find what we focus on. When we think the world is a bad place - then it will be. When we believe life is fantastic - then it will be.

I decided to believe that I will become 96 years old and be healthy and that is many moons after 2012.

If you are still in doubt, let me ask you a question: would you change anything what you are doing in your private live or in your business if you would know that it all ends in 2010?

Just be aware that probably everybody would sell their house and you would not get much for it. And if everybody would live of the government they would have to stop this pretty soon, too. But if there is anything else you would like to do, can't you start it anyhow regardless of 2012 or not?

To Your Success
Elisabeth Peischl
Business Coach and Results Coach