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How to measure passion
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How To Measure Passion

Well it could be as simple as asking yourself : on a scale between 0 and 10 where 0 means I'm not passionate at all and 10 means I am absolutely passionate, where are you?

And you probably come up with a number where you wonder where it came from.

This is great and absolutely subjective. One's person's "3" is another person's "8".

But this doesn't take away that when a person is answering: "I'm a 5", then you know that they are undecided. They are sitting on the fence. They say to themselves: "I don't know if I want to be really passionate or not".

And that's a shame, because passion is our fuel. Passion motivates us and get's us to take action.
In sales passion can be measured directly in numbers. In other areas passion creates success and results.

Being passionate also guarantees us better life quality. Life is more fun and we find things get done easily. Working 1/2 hour longer doesn't bother us. We can't wait to start the next step and even chores don't threaten us and get finished all the time. Passion is contagious and we can easily infect others.

Do I need more reasons to understand that being passionate is good for me? I don't think so.

So what would you need to do, think or say to add "1" on your passion scale?
If you have been a "6" on your passion scale, what do you need to do, thinks or say to become a "7"?

To Your Success
Elisabeth Peischl
Business Coach and Results Coach