Have you ever learned something and didn't put it into practice?
Did you start out using a new strategy only to forget everything about it?
Did you commit saying "enough is enough" just to realize four weeks later that you are still doing it?
There are more obvious unwanted habits like pulling your hair, bitting your nails, picking your lips or eating with your mouth open. And there are others like leaving the dishes on the table instead of putting them into the dish washer or writing appointments on a piece of paper instead of putting them directly into the diary or PDA.
Habits are just actions we have done over and over again, so that they got more and more automatic
and hard-wired. They might be reactions on how we felt or we might even have created beliefs around them, which makes it harder to break.
A habit is not an addiction. Addictions create a chemical change in our body. They can be broken,
too. They just require more effort and definitely professional help to guarantee success. Some people say that it takes 30 days to form a pattern and 90 days to form a habit. So be patient when you start to create a new habit and allow for slip-backs. But who says it has to take so long?
I have seen my clients change their habits which disturbed them in their private or their professional life within one session. And yes, so can you.
Yes, ask us how we can help you and yes, start letting go of those unwanted habits.
To Your Success Elisabeth Peischl