Winton Churchill once said failure is not fatal and success is not final. Can that be true?
Fatal failures – these two words go so well phonetically together. They make people’s heart sink and leave a bitter taste in the mouth. It is one of the most feared events: fear of failure. Usually this kind of fear doesn’t make us run away. It doesn’t evoke the flight mechanism which rescued man in so many situations. Just think of what you would do if a bull showed up 100 meters in front of you, storming towards you. You’d probably run for safety.
But the fear of failure usually makes us freeze and unable to move. It paralyses us. We still might function in general, but with regard to the activity where we fear to fail, that’s where we do nothing. We stall. So where do we get stopped out by this fear? This is individual and the list reads like: speaking in public, dancing, being your own boss, asking someone out, internet marketing and share trading. What if I fail?
Actually it is not failure – it is feedback on how not to do it or whom not to ask. The story goes that Edison invented 998 ways on how not to make a light bulb, and by the way, the only reason why we can use those fantastic post-it notes is because the inventor failed to create a strong adhesive.
Seeing failure as feedback is freedom and reward at the same time, because we know that when we “fail”, we really do something and utilize our theoretical knowledge to create real world results. I would be happy with both light bulb and post-it notes even if I had to receive negative feedback 998 times.
To Your Success Elisabeth Peischl |